“Under the Hood” with Alexandra Chang and Laura Kina
Developing Cross-Institutional Digital Humanities Projects: The Virtual Asian American Museum

May 7th, 11:15am-12:30pm
DePaul University, Richardson Library, room 207
2350 N Kenmore Chicago, IL

StudioCHI will host Laura Kina of DePaul and Alexandra Chang of NYU for a talk about The Virtual Asian American Art Museum.  This one of kind digital humanities project was launched in Fall 2018 and has brought together curators and art scholars with art and archives collections from around the world. VAAAM presents curated materials to visualize, analyze, and contextualize Asian American art history.

VAAAM project director Alexandra Chang and lead curator Laura Kina will share their strategies, challenges, and best practices they learned in getting this multi-year, inter-institutional digital humanities project initiated and off the ground.

Major partners include: the Asian/Pacific/American Institute at NYU, NYU Libraries, Getty Research Institute, Smithsonian Institution, Bowdoin Art Museum, San Francisco State University, DePaul University, Tome, Artl@s/BasART, and Japanese American Service Committee in Chicago.
